League of Legends top lane tier list for Patch 10.14 looks at the best champions who can dominate lane phase and apply pressure in the top lane. These are the best top laners for crushing your enemies and climbing the solo queue ladder.

League of Legends Top Lane Tier List 10.14

S Tier: Garen, Darius, Nasus, Teemo, Urgot

Spotlight: Garen

Garen has long been a powerhouse in the top lane. Perseverance (passive) allows Garen to retain a healthy life state regardless of who he is laning against. Judgment (E) allows Garen to quickly mow down minion waves and farm up. Demacian Justice (R) is such a powerful spell that Garen can win almost any 1-vs-1, making him top our list.

A Tier: Wukong, Jax, Malphite, Tryndamere, Illaoi

Spotlight: Wukong

Wukong previously came in as an S tier jungler. With Patch 10.14 comes nerfs to Wukong's Cyclone (R), Cyclone's knock-up duration was reduced from 0.75 to 0.6. As a result, he has fallen a tier. Despite these changes Wukong remains a strong top-lane pick. His ability to go invisible and knock up multiple opponents remains very powerful.

B Tier: Maokai, Ornn, Singed, Kled, Dr. Mundo

Spotlight: Maokai

While there are no changes coming to Maokai in League of Legends Patch 10.14 he remains a strong top lane pick for climbing the solo queue ladder. Maokai's Sap Magic (passive) allows him to maintain a healthy life total while in the laning phase.

Sapling Toss (E) allows Maokai to utilize makeshift wards and poke enemy lane opponents. Nature's Grasp (R) is powerful and has the potential to completely change team fights.