Scandal-Hit CBI Group Seeks Higher Fees From Members, Sky Says

(Bloomberg) -- The scandal-hit Confederation of British Industry is seeking higher fees from its members as the lobby group battles to rebuild its reputation, according to Sky News.

CBI members will be asked at its annual meeting next week to approve a 5% increase in their subscription costs, Sky News reported, without disclosing where it got the information. That comes less than three months after the organization won a lifeline from banks, it said.

The group declined to comment to Sky News, saying that it’s a standard practice “to adjust prices for inflation,” according to the report.

CBI became the focus of a sexual harassment scandal earlier this year involving two cases of rape allegations that left many of Britain’s biggest businesses withdrawing their membership from the London-based group. The organization won a reprieve in June when 93% of votes from members supported its efforts to continue to operate, though CBI told its staff back then that its wage bill will be cut due to falling revenue from membership fees.

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Author: Elena Mazneva